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Home > Country Cabin Decor- So country-Old McDonald shops here!

Country Cabin Decor- So country-Old McDonald shops here!

Finding it a challenge to find quality country décor items to finish your next country cabin project? Look no further- Rustic Home Décor Guide is stocked with an extensive inventory of country cabin décor items to meet most shoppers wants and needs.
From draft horses to tractors…
My dad was the first generation to move off the family farm and he was very much a farmer in mind and manner, even though he had not farmed or lived on a farm in decades. One day, dad and I had a talk about tractors and the merits of which brands were the better. The topic came up because we passed a sign advertising a tractor pull contest for that Saturday afternoon.
I asked dad, “What kind of tractor did you use growing up on the farm, John Deere or Farmall?"
He said, “neither" and shared how he actually remembers his dad plowing the fields with draft horses and can remember their first tractor and why they got it. “We got a Minneapolis Moline tractor”. He related that my grandfather talked to the John Deere salesman and that he would not consider taking his draft horses in for trade and the Minneapolis Moline dealer would, so they bought a Minneapolis Moline tractor.
For those of you who are not sure what a tractor pull is, it is a contest where the participant competes pulling a weighted box across ground with a farm tractor to see who can pull it the furthest before their tires spin out. Tires, weights on the front of the tractor, tractor mechanics and performance, class size of tractor etc. are all variables that the tractor owner will manipulate to try to get the longest pull; it is a fun competition to watch! These competitions are very popular in most rural communities and in many parts of the country and competitors take it very seriously.
Country cabin décor may not be complete without tractor items and our inventory carries a broad array of tractor country  items that can be viewed below.
Search Country Cabin Decor Items by type:
John Deere wall art
Tractor Wall art
Milk cans
Wagon wheels
Vintage farm signs
Spinning wheel
Wagon wheel furniture
Country shower curtains
Country curtains
Country farm light switch plates
Country farm furniture
Search Amish Country items:
Amish Cupboards
Amish hope chests
Amish Dressers
Amish Signs
Amish wall art
Amish folk art

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