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Home > Amish Quilts | For the love of Quilts! We got them!

Amish Quilts | For the love of Quilts! We got them!

Hand pieced blocks and hand quilted Amish quilts are highly collectible. Block designs and fabric colors can add a touch of country elegance to any rustic bedroom décor. America has a long tradition of quilts and many of which are handed down within families and are presented as keep sake gifts. See our collections of Amish quilts, country quilts, and handmade country quilt collections. 
Signature quilts
My grandmother, my mother, and my wife are crazy about quilts. I have been around them all y life and here is a quilt my grandmother made me when I graduated high school that is on my bed right now. Quilts were effective in utilizing the scrap ends of material from other projects that could be cut and pieced together to form beautifully warm blankets. Back in the farming homestead days,   my grandmother told me that when there was a death, or serious illness, baby being born (no doctors on the farm in those days) or related concern the women would hitch up their horse wagons and come to the family with the situation.
The women would each bring a quilt block they already had pieced together, and sit with the woman of the house and visit and stich a quilt with the blocks brought with her. Women would take turns quilting, visiting, take turns doing the chores, cooking, cleaning, tending to the children and otherwise supporting the friend in need. Sometimes these quilting teams would last for days or even weeks depending. At the end of the time a quilt would be stitched together by all the friends, family, and neighbors with individual blocks –each stitch signed by who was there, and the finished quilt was then presented to the family commemorating the time and the event. 
Sometimes at farming communities you can sometimes run across a signature quilt in an estate sell or auction as we ran across one of my grandmothers signature quilt blocks on a quilt with her name stitched on it from the 1930’s. My grandmother gave all of us grandkids a quilt when we graduated from high school. My mom is doing the same with all of her grandkids. My bet is that my wife will do the same for ours when the time comes. Quilts are a country slice of Americana, family tradition, and are great Country Home decorating item.
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